Boss Products LLC

BOSS Products Logo

6729 Guada Coma Dr.
Schertz, TX 78154

Boss Products

Located near San Antonio, Texas, Boss Products is a global leader in fire & explosion protection solutions, primarily catering to industrial dust collection and related process industries. Our customer-centric approach, spanning from initial technical counsel to post-installation assistance, has distinguished us as a favorite choice for countless clients.

Fire & Explosion Mitigation

Boss Products offers a comprehensive suite of solutions to help industries remain compliant with strict NFPA guidelines. Our expertise spans across prevention, isolation, diversion, and venting to address potential hazards intrinsic to the industrial filtration and process industries. Our SAFETY SMART solutions, enriched by decades of collective experience, cater to diverse industrial requirements.

Explosion Isolation & Diversion

Our valves, tailored for explosion isolation and diversion, are expertly designed to confine an explosion, preventing its spread to interconnected machinery. Available in a range of sizes, they cater to diverse applications and adhere to ATEX Certification and NFPA 69 standards.

Explosion Venting

We offer a diverse range of solutions for explosion venting and flameless venting, tailored for industrial dust collection and bulk material handling. Our panels and flameless vents meet precise NFPA 68 guidelines, ensuring your specific needs are met.

Fire & Explosion Prevention

Safety remains paramount across industries. Our equipment serves a spectrum of sectors, fostering a secure environment that shields your staff, investments, and assets. We advocate for the introduction of a physical barrier to the dirty side, ensuring hazards are kept at bay.

Grain Elevator Hazard Monitoring

Our expertise extends to the storage and bulk handling sector. We’ve devised a holistic system encompassing monitoring tools, motion controllers, dust-proof alignment mechanisms, and a plethora of sensors to bolster safety and protection.

Active Explosion Suppression & Isolation

Our RaptorX™ systems epitomize rapid response, engineered to chemically quell deflagrations in the blink of an eye.

Subject Matter Experts

Nick Schlentz


Email: [email protected]

Location: Schertz, Texas, USA


Nick Schlentz has been steering Boss Products towards excellence for nearly 11 years. His success stems from his deep-rooted experience with the company and thorough understanding of the industries served by its products. His dedication is further evidenced by his active involvement in the NFPA 61 Technical Committee.

Pablo Balan

Director of Sales

Email: [email protected]

Location: Schertz, Texas, USA


As the Director of Sales at Boss Products, Pablo Balan has an extensive knowledge of explosion protection solutions. His expertise ensures that clients receive top-tier safety solutions tailored to their needs, making him instrumental in driving the company’s growth in this specialized sector.

Office Location

Boss Products

Location: 6729 Guada Coma Drive
Schertz, Texas 78154

+ 1-210-664-4200

[email protected]

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